Nothing will ruin a great employee faster than watching you tolerate a bad one
Nothing will ruin a great employee faster than watching you tolerate a bad one
When you read that subject line, you might be thinking of your team members and trying to figure out which bad team member you are tolerating. However, I want you to consider something else. The most important part of that statement is not who you are tolerating, by WHY you are tolerating them.
Even more importantly, what example are you setting for all of your team members when you are being a poor leader in this situation?
When you have a team member being insubordinate, are you letting it slide, because you don’t want to piss them off and have them leave?
When a team member is not being a team player and causing drama, are you not addressing it, because you just don’t like to rock the boat?
When a team member ignores your requests, refuses to be accountable and uses excuses to get out of responsibilities, do you buy into it by saying, “but deep down, they are a good person.”?
Have you ever thought to yourself, when you see a certain team member, “Boy, I wish they would just quit, so I didn’t have to deal with them”?
Well, my friend, none of that has anything to do with whether they are the right or wrong people in your business. If you answered yes, or could empathize with any of these scenarios, understand that these are clues into the fact that you have lost sight of the most important tool needed in your business…authentic leadership.
It’s easy (and even encouraged by some) to point your finger at the economy, the hiring pool, your competitors, the pandemic, millennials, etc. but the truth is… it is not going to help you.
I know it feels better when you can commiserate with your colleagues, agree with the media, and even blame your consultants, but at the end of the day, until you take responsibility for your role in leadership, nothing will change.
If you are not being the leader you need to be, one who takes ownership for their results, there will always be another excuse.
And, frankly, we are seeing less and less examples of people in our world who are willing to take ownership, so I understand that it’s hard to do it when, seemingly no one else is.
So, let’s have a conversation that many would rather avoid. One that might make you feel uncomfortable. But one that also might help set you free!
What if you stopped being a victim by blaming the things you can not control and take action towards the things you can?
I know, it’s easier, to point the finger, but at the end of the day, other than commiseration with others, what does it really get you?
As a matter of fact, it’s worse than nothing. It’s a negative. Meaning wherever you were before you started to point fingers, you end up in a less powerful situation.
Unfortunately, as business owners we are expected to know it all. To have the right answers. To make the right call. People rely on us- our clients, our team and our loved ones. Naturally, we don’t want to let them down- so we press on. We do our best.
All entrepreneurs, even the successful ones, have periods where they plateau, get stuck or worse, burn out. Let’s face it, being a business owner can be an emotional rollercoaster. And over the last few years, it’s as if that rollercoaster has been flying off the tracks.
Being a leader is not easy. Being a consistently effective leader is even harder.
But you didn’t sign up for “easy”.
As I discussed in my first book, The Practice Rx, when you put your name on the door and decided to “open shop”, you took on the whole responsibility of leadership. All of it. The good, bad and the honest!
You agreed, even metaphorically, to be an example to all those who decided to support you. Even when it’s hard, inconvenient, or even when the world around you says it’s ok not to.
The great news is, you got this far. You have done more than most. Your determination and drive have helped you create a business that serves and provides for so many others.
That’s awesome!