Is ‘sales’ a dirty word on your team? It’s time to change your approach.
Is ‘sales’ a dirty word on your team? It’s time to change your approach.
Today I am going to talk to you about sales. I know that to some of you this may be a dirty word. I hear from my clients all the time that they hate sales. Or that they don’t want to be “too sales-y” in their meetings with prospective clients. For most people, being a good salesperson does not come naturally. But the reality is that without sales, you don’t have a business. And if we are looking at sales accurately, your entire team needs to be involved with sales.
One common mistake I see businesses make is that their approach to acquiring new clients is to simply make them an offer and let them choose. They basically lay their program or treatment plan out on the table, tell them the cost and wait for either a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’. Guys, I cannot stress enough how weak this is. Guess who is in complete control of whether or not you get a new client? The client! Wouldn’t you rather be the one driving the conversation? Sure, they may still say no. I promise that no is an easier pill to swallow when you know you have done your best at closing the deal.
I was just talking with an office last week who was explaining to me that they are focused on marketing to grow their business. Their thought process is if we can just get more people through the door, they can grow their business. Nope! Sure, marketing will help you get more people in the office, but let’s say you get 100 more people in each day. But if you do not have a good sales process in place, the closing rate of new clients will stay the exact same. You’ll end up working harder, not smarter.
We have to get this idea that sales are evil and salespeople are bad out of our heads. I want you to take 4 min and watch this video. (No, I didn’t make it but I promise it’s good.)
I would encourage you to share this video with your team. Discuss as a team how you can create a culture of sales. I mentioned before that each person on your team is involved in the sales process in a different way. Ask your team members what they believe their role is. If they aren’t sure, encourage them to think about all the ways they interact with your clients. Happy clients create referrals. Referrals lead to new clients.
Proactive, Productive and Profitable,
Dino Watt