From Actor to International Speaker: My Evolution

From Actor to International Speaker: My Evolution

Back in 2008, I was a struggling actor desperate to provide for my family of five. I had nearly given up on my performing dreams when I attended a real estate conference that changed everything.

As the keynote speaker took the stage, I was blown away. He wasn’t just competent – he was captivating. With commanding presence and impressive stagecraft, he had the entire audience hanging on his every word.

In that moment, I realized the powerful impact a great speaker can have. And I became determined to crack the code of this little-known but lucrative industry.

You see, while public speaking may seem like an obscure career path, it’s actually a $38.6 billion global market. Skills like confident communication, audience engagement, and persuasive delivery are incredibly valuable – yet rarely taught effectively.

For the past decade I have been able to hone these skills and create an amazing career, traveling around the world, sharing them with audiences large and small. I am blessed to be able to do what I do.

Every once and a while I have people come up to me, reach out on social media or hit me up in an email to ask how they can learn to do the same thing. And they are not interested in simply learning how to deliver a keynote or a training, (there are plenty of sources to get that basic information), but how to really make an impact.

They want to know how to move an audience. How to not simply deliver information, but to create transformation.

So, for the last few years I have been taking on private clients to help them do so.

People like Janelle, who is literally trained as a clown, who wanted to keep her UPS (Unique Stage Presence) as fun, upbeat and a little silly, while also being taken seriously with a message that she is passionate about.

And Mike, who is a master at financial planning, and wanted to create a presentation that was more heart driven than numbers.

I love helping people find their USP and create more transformation with their audience!

So much so that I decided to create an opportunity for you to learn this on a bigger scale. With a program I have been planning for over a year. No matter where you are in your speaking journey I want to share this with you.

I’m offering an exclusive opportunity to elevate your speaking skills through my Stand and Deliver Virtual Bootcamp

Through real-world exercises and personalized coaching, you’ll discover:

✨ The simple mindset shifts to build unshakable confidence on any stage (something many “gurus” never reveal)

✨ Advanced audience engagement tactics to keep people glued to you instead of their phones

✨ My complete “Stagecraft Mastery” system for charismatic body language and delivery

✨ Subtle persuasion techniques to turn listeners into buyers, fans, and automatic referrers

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, rising corporate leader, or aspiring professional speaker, the ability to captivate audiences can open countless doors.

In fact, developing these crucial skills allowed me to build a wildly successful 7-figure speaking business and impact countless lives through my message.

When you have the right training, the skills to confidently captivate audiences from any stage can be learned. I can’t wait to show you how.


Follow the link to register today:


Proactive, Productive and Profitable,
