Do you wake up in the morning wishing people on your team would quit?
Do you wake up in the morning wishing people on your team would quit?
Imagine walking into your office in the morning, and you see your team member ‘Sally’ walking by. She smiles at you and says “Good morning Doctor,” and you smile back and verbally say to her “Good morning Sally,” but in your head you’re saying something along the lines of ‘boy, I wish you would quit already’.
That is you being out of integrity with yourself, and you’re being unfair to Sally.
Sally is unaware of your desire for her to quit because you’re afraid, wimpy, or have a serious lack of leadership skills to actually do what needs to be done and let her go.
“Nothing will ruin a great employee faster than watching you tolerate a bad one.”
If you have that feeling or that constant stream of thought about that person, then you owe it to them to let them go and not keep them “hanging on”
Proactive, Productive and Profitable,
Dino Watt